Swedish knäck (makes about 50)
- 2 dl double cream
- 2 dl golden syrup
- 2 dl caster sugar
Boil in a pan for about 45 min to an hour (you can test it to see if it is ready by pouring a teaspoon of the toffee into a glass of ice cold water. It is ready if it hardens and can be rolled into a ball inbetween your fingers)
Add 1 dl of chopped almonds and 1 tbsp of butter and take of the heat.
Spoon into little paper cups and keep in the fridge. Yummy!
Now onto making Lussebullar... You need the following:
Lussebullar (gives your around 45 - 50)
50 gr of fresh yeast
1 gram of saffron
15 dl of plain flour
3 dl of caster sugar
5 dl full fat milk
250 gr of youghurt
pinch of salt
100 grams of unsalted butter
1.5 dl of raisins
Melt the butter in a pan and add the milk, let it come to blood temperature, 37 degrees C
Break up the yeast in a big bowl, add 1 dl or raisins and the saffron. Pour over the butter / milk mixture and stir well until all the yeast has dissolved. add 14 dl of the flour, sugar, pinch of salt and the youghurt and combine well.
Add more flour if need be but not too much.
Knead the dough of a floured surface until elastic and shiny. Put it back in a bowl and cover with a towel and leave for 45 min.
Knead again and roll out the dough into the traditional "S" shape ( i did half the dough this way) and put them on a baking tray, cover with a towel and let them rise for 30 min. The rest of the dough i made into a swiss roll shape and filled with grated marsipan mixed with butter, rolled it up and cut into slices and put into paper cases.
Let them rise under a towel for 30 min then brush with egg (push some extra raisins into the "S" shaped buns and spinkle some sugar pearls over the marsipan filled rolls) and bake in the oven at 225 degrees C for about 8 - 10 min.
They are best when straight out of the oven or you can freeze them and heat them in the micro wave when needed and they will taste like just baked.