Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Wacky Macaron's - 27th of October 2013

I haven't made any macarons for a while so i decided to go all out and make 3 kinds of them on Sunday.. i have wanted to make a liqorice and raspberry macaron for a while now - ever since i bought some liqorice powder in Sweden.. so that was first flavour. I also wanted to make a popcorn flavour macaron after reading on the web about popcorn flavoured ice cream. My 3rd flavour combo was a banana caramel.

I used my usual macaron base (available on this blog) for the shells and then i kind of made up the fillings as i went along.
The popcorn mac involved making a batch of microwave popcorn, then heating up milk and cream in a pan and soaking the popped popcorn in the cream mix.. let cool and refrigerate over night then put it in a fine sieve and squeeze out the now flavoured cream.. then heat up again and pour over chopped white chocolate.. ta da.. popcorn flavoured ganache! I have no idea about the quantities but the popcorn did soak up a lot of the cream so i had to add a lot of liquid.

A lot of people at work liked both the popcorn and the banana mac's.. the liqorice divided people.. but then again - liqorice is a bit like marmite.. you either like it or you dont.. personally i LOVED the combo or raspberry and liqorice but then again - i am from Scandinavia and we are kind of brought up on liqorice :-)
My pink shells for the liqorice / raspberry mac's

Fillings - ready to go
Liqorice and Raspberry mac's
Banana caramel mac's
Popcorn mac's
Mixed mac's

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